Kendall Jenner, the charismatic star of 'The Kardashians,' candidly delves into the complexities of her formative years, painting a vivid picture of the solitude and darkness that often accompanied her modeling journey as a teenager. In a heartfelt conversation on the 'Anything Goes' podcast, the supermodel and media maven draws parallels between her life under the glare of the public eye, as documented on 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians,' and the dual identity of Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus' iconic Disney Channel character.
"It was somewhat akin to living a Hannah Montana life, albeit without the physical disguise," Jenner shares with host Emma Chamberlain. "But the essence remained—a life that was simultaneously ordinary and extraordinary."
Echoing the adventures of Miley Stewart, Jenner recounts attending school as long as they could, cherishing the camaraderie with friends forged before fame intervened. "We cherished every moment of normality, even if it meant juggling schoolwork amidst the chaos of filming," she reminisces. "Homeschooling during my senior years became a necessity, yet the essence of adolescence remained intact—a testament to our efforts to lead as normal a life as possible."
Reflecting on her childhood when 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' catapulted her family into stardom at just 10 years old, Jenner acknowledges the weight of adulthood that prematurely settled on her and her younger sister Kylie's shoulders. "We were thrust into a world of grown-up responsibilities, yet amidst the chaos, I'm deeply grateful for the resilience it fostered within us," she says with a note of gratitude.
As Kendall embarked on her modeling journey during her early teens, she acknowledges the duality of her experience—a blend of unparalleled success and hidden struggles. "I've been incredibly fortunate in this industry, with mostly beautiful experiences to cherish," she confesses to Chamberlain. "Yet, there were moments when the pressure of overwork and missed opportunities weighed heavily on my shoulders."
The glamorous facade of traveling the world as a teen model, she reveals, often concealed profound loneliness. "There were nights when I found myself in unfamiliar cities, tears streaming down my face as I drifted off to sleep, missing the warmth of home and the companionship of loved ones," Jenner shares poignantly. "In those dark hours, doubts crept in, questioning the worth of it all."
Yet, through it all, Kendall emerges as a testament to resilience and gratitude, painting a poignant narrative of the human experience amidst the glare of fame.