The esteemed Emmy-winning comedian, Hannah Gadsby, whose star soared after her groundbreaking 2018 Netflix special 'Nanette,' is set to grace the stage of the Abrons Arts Center this autumn with her latest offering, WOOF!. Following triumphant runs in Australia and across the United States, Gadsby brings her unparalleled wit and introspection to the vibrant heart of New York City.
Renowned for her poignant and poignantly funny musings, Gadsby promises to bare it all – "her anxieties, her insights, and her quirky charm" – in this highly anticipated show. In a heartfelt statement, she quipped, "While most artists aspire to scale new heights at this juncture of their careers, I, a rebel at heart, find myself embracing nostalgia over ambition. With the world seemingly on the brink, I'm revisiting cherished haunts like the Edinburgh Fringe, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, and even my cousins in Sandy Bay, and New York City, you're a cherished stop on this nostalgic journey."
She continued, painting a vivid picture, "I'm stepping back into a New York theater reminiscent of my pre-'Nanette-flix' days, when everything was about to change. This city has become a beloved haven for my performances, and the fact that WOOF! is my finest work yet – quite possibly my swan song – only adds to its allure. Who knows, I might even retire after this one, just for kicks."
WOOF! marks Gadsby's triumphant return to the Big Apple's stages, following the resounding success of Nanette in 2018, Douglas in 2019, and Body of Work in 2022. Under the masterful direction of Jenney Shamash (Douglas, Something Special, Gender Agenda), and produced by the formidable duo of Mike Lavoie and Carlee Briglia (Oh, Mary!, Alex Edelman's Just For Us, Kate Berlant's KATE), this stand-up extravaganza will captivate audiences for four enchanting weeks, commencing on September 27th, with opening night set for October 6th, and concluding on October 20th. Get ready to be wowed by Gadsby's unparalleled blend of humor, heart, and wisdom.