Amidst the mourning following the untimely demise of Matthew Perry on Saturday, October 28, 2023, aged 54, intriguing financial details have gradually surfaced. As revealed in an inventory and valuation document submitted by Lisa Ferguson, a trustee of Perry's estate and accessed by People, the beloved actor had a personal bank account balance of $1,596,914.47 at the time of his passing. Although this figure may seem modest for a Hollywood icon, it's speculated that Perry possessed numerous other assets not disclosed in the document.
According to prior reports, Perry's will specified that most of his possessions were entrusted in the "Alvy Singer Living Trust," aptly named after Woody Allen's character in Annie Hall. The precise nature of the assets within this trust remains undisclosed. Notably, the will also designated Perry's father, John Perry, mother, Suzanne Morrison, half-sister, Caitlin Morrison, and ex-girlfriend, Rachel Dunn, as beneficiaries of the trust. Notably, any potential children of Perry were excluded from inheriting his estate, as the actor remained childless.
Moreover, the filing disclosed that Perry possessed over $1 million in personal possessions at the time of his demise. Friends, undoubtedly one of the most influential television shows in history, had catapulted its six lead actors to earn a staggering $1 million per episode by its ninth season. As reported by USA Today in 2021, Warner Bros. raked in $1 billion annually from the show's syndication revenue, with the cast receiving a share of two percent, translating to a whopping $20 million each from reruns alone.
Perry peacefully passed away in his Los Angeles home on October 28, discovered by the Los Angeles Fire Department in response to a "medical emergency" call received at 4:07 p.m.
The subsequent autopsy report painted a tragic yet unintended picture of Perry's demise, attributing it primarily to the acute impacts of ketamine. Drowning, coronary artery disease, and the lingering effects of buprenorphine, a medication prescribed for opioid addiction, were also cited as contributory factors.
In March, Perry's step-father, Keith Morrison, offered a glimpse into the aftermath of the loss. "It's a constant companion, always there, with fresh aspects that jolt your mind," Morrison shared on Hoda Kotb's 'Making Space' podcast. "It's not a walk in the park, especially for his mother." Morrison also reminisced on Perry's happiness before his untimely death, saying, "He was content, and he expressed it. It was a sentiment he hadn't uttered for quite some time. That's a source of solace, yet it's unfair that he didn't get to embark on his third chapter in life."