Ariana Grande and Jonathan Bailey, two stars of the upcoming film adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical Wicked, reminisced about an astonishing encounter that left them both stunned. As they embarked on a revealing chat for VMan magazine, they divulged the extraordinary lengths paparazzi went to, seemingly intent on exposing photos and footage from the Jon M. Chu-helmed production.
"Collaborating with Jon Chu felt like an intimate, exclusive student project—a tightly guarded secret," Grande reminisced. "It was intimate, small, and private, until suddenly, we stepped outside to find the Daily Mail hovering over our set on a hand-glider—seriously, he should've played the pterodactyl in your next Jurassic World flick!"
Bailey, who portrays Fiyero and is set to grace the silver screen alongside Scarlett Johansson in the upcoming Jurassic World installment, vividly described the surreal scene. "It was a man, soaring on a colossal kite, legs dangling, equipped with a GoPro—yes, a GoPro attached to his toes," he exclaimed.
Grande confessed that she was left in disbelief, her words brimming with astonishment. "I couldn't quite believe what my eyes were witnessing. Firstly, because my vision isn't the best, but secondly, the audacity! A man on a hand-glider? Unbelievable!"
Wicked, based on the acclaimed Broadway musical, chronicles the journey of Elphaba (portrayed by Cynthia Erivo), a young woman shunned for her green skin, as she forges an unlikely yet profound bond with Glinda, a student relentlessly pursuing popularity. Part one is poised to enchant audiences on November 22, 2024, with part two gracefully following on November 26, 2025.
When Grande inquired about Bailey's experience filming this highly anticipated masterpiece, the Bridgerton heartthrob shared his sentiments. "Certain aspects of the production left me profoundly impressed, largely due to the profound love and attention lavished upon it by Marc Platt and Jon Chu," he said. "Growing up immersed in theater and musical theater, I always cherished that sense of wonder. I feared that in the making of this film, that magic might somehow fade. But standing on those magnificent sets, I realized it was intact, even amplified."