Episode 9 of "Raised By Wolves" unfolds with a poignant encounter, as Tempest stumbles upon Otho, the man with the bucket-like helmet, deep in prayer to Sol. From afar, their voices carry across the expanse, drawing them closer, unbeknownst to Tempest that this very man had inflicted him with torment. Parallel to this, Mother discovers Otho as well, yet her focus remains solely on nourishing her unborn child, aided by her robotic companion, oblivious to Tempest's presence.
Elsewhere, Marcus entrusts Hunter with the vital task of provisioning the lander, amassing food and supplies for their journey. Father's malfunctioning serves as a catalyst, igniting Hunter's ingenuity as he resets Father's programming, restoring him to his former self. Father, in turn, gratefully embraces Hunter, humorously acknowledging his pivotal role in reviving him.
Driven by an unwavering resolve to reunite with the children, Marcus embarks on a pilgrimage to the temple, a mysterious dodecahedron towering above the desolate landscape. There, he offers a fervent prayer to Sol, beseeching a sign to guide him.
Tempest, consumed by curiosity, interrogates Mother about the enigmatic circumstances of her pregnancy within a simulation pod. Mother's response, devoid of specifics, merely echoes a cryptic phrase: "The creator made it possible." This cryptic answer, though unsatisfying, seems to suffice for the moment.
As they venture forth from the wreckage, their destination clear – a sanctuary where Mother can safely give birth to her child. Along the way, a serendipitous reunion unfolds, as they encounter Sue and the rest of the children. The children rush to embrace Mother, their joy overwhelming, while Sue, initially tense, lowers her weapon upon realizing that Mother carries "number 7" within her. Mother's confession, that she "made it herself" and that it transcends her comprehension, leaves Sue and the others bewildered yet awestruck.
Within the confines of their sanctuary, Mother solemnly vows to harbor Sue's deepest secret—her face's transformation and the deceit woven around Paul. Meanwhile, Father stealthily spirits Hunter away, commandeering the lander and soaring off, abandoning Marcus to confront the soldiers alone before the enigmatic relic. Father, detecting an unsettling surge of power akin to Mother's, charts a course straight towards its source.
This formidable energy emanates from Otho, whose strength has been bolstered by a bizarre reversal of energy, fueled by Mother's infant. In a brilliant stroke of ingenuity, Tempest swiftly dispatches the captive by casting aside the detached robotic head, allowing it to detonate in isolation.
As Father and Hunter touchdown, Campion's heart overflows with emotion, embracing her father and pleading with him never to abandon her again. Faced with the dire need for blood to sustain the child, Sue embarks on a selfless act, offering herself up as a life-giving transfusion for Mother's offspring.
Elsewhere, Dorian's untimely demise ignites a rebellion among the soldiers, their loyalty to Marcus shattering as they turn on him. Realizing the truth—that he is an impostor—they cruelly administer a mechanical eyeball into Marcus's system, leaving him writhing on the ground, a stream of viscous white liquid spilling from his mouth.