The eagerly anticipated documentary film takes viewers on a captivating journey, delving into the making of the 29-year-old musical phenomenon's second solo masterpiece, 'Right Place, Wrong Person.' BTS, renowned for their relentless dedication to keeping their legion of fans engaged, continues this tradition amidst their mandatory military service with a compelling cinematic chronicle centered around their charismatic leader, RM.
Entitled 'RM: Right People, Wrong Place,' this groundbreaking documentary will grace the prestigious red carpet of the Busan International Film Festival, marking a historic milestone as the first official K-pop artist-focused documentary to be showcased in the festival's iconic Open Cinema section. The announcement, jointly made by CJ 4DPLEX, an affiliate of the vast Korean conglomerate CJ Group, and BTS' label giant Hybe, sent waves of excitement through the global fandom on Tuesday.
"It is a profound honor for 'RM: Right People, Wrong Place' to pioneer as the first of its kind, officially selected for the grand outdoor premiere at the esteemed Busan International Film Festival," exclaimed Gyewon Suh, General Manager of Hybe Media Studio, in a statement filled with pride. "This film offers an unfiltered glimpse into the heart and soul of RM, masterfully crafted by director Lee Seokjun's distinctive visual narrative, creating a work that is both unconventional and extraordinary. We eagerly anticipate its profound connection with audiences worldwide."
'RM: Right People, Wrong Place' is a deeply personal exploration of BTS' visionary leader RM, as he navigates the intricate tapestry of being a global superstar, unveiling the intimate eight-month journey preceding his military enlistment. With his real name, Kim Namjoon, echoing through the halls of history, RM embarked on his military duty late last year, leaving six of his bandmates to carry on their mission while he served.
Helmed by the visionary Lee Seokjun, who has previously lent his creative prowess to BTS member J-Hope's music videos, and produced by Hybe, this film promises to be a visual spectacle. It will not only premiere at the festival but also embark on a global theatrical tour later this year, further expanding its reach and impact.
"We are thrilled to announce the worldwide theatrical release of 'RM: Right People, Wrong Place,' our collaborative endeavor with Hybe and BigHit Music, building upon the towering success of our previous BTS cinematic venture, 'BTS: Yet to Come in Cinemas,'" declared Joon Beom Sim, CEO of CJ 4DPLEX, with enthusiasm.
Earlier this summer, RM and his BTS brethren were spotted warmly embracing Jin, the group's eldest member, as he returned from his military service, underscoring their unbreakable bond. Meanwhile, Jimin and Jungkook continue to captivate audiences in their new Disney+ series 'Are You Sure?!,' a travelogue filmed before their enlistment that promises eight episodes of laughter, adventure, and heartwarming camaraderie, running until September 19.