‘Captain America: Brave New World’ First Reactions After Premiere: “A Thrill Ride From Start to Finish”

Published: Feb 13 2025

"Captain America: Brave New World" has descended upon Hollywood, igniting social media with reactions as swift as a super soldier sprinting around the Washington Monument. Anthony Mackie, who first donned the stars and stripes of the Marvel universe a decade ago as Sam Wilson/The Falcon in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," now stars in "Brave New World." This latest installment chronicles the hero's journey as he assumes the mantle of Captain America, following Steve Rogers' (Chris Evans) heartfelt bequeathal of the shield in "Avengers: Endgame" (2019).

‘Captain America: Brave New World’ First Reactions After Premiere: “A Thrill Ride From Start to Finish” 1

On Tuesday night, ahead of Wednesday's official reviews, the premiere and press screenings unleashed a flood of social media buzz. Announced in April 2021, "Brave New World" has been eagerly anticipated. Originally slated for a July 2024 release, it became ensnared in the web of delays caused by writers' and actors' strikes, joining a host of other postponed titles.

Directed by Julius Onah, of "Luce" fame, the film also boasts Harrison Ford in the role of General Ross, a character previously portrayed by the late William Hurt in the MCU. It goes without saying that Sam Wilson won't find Ross's ire endearing — especially when he transforms into the formidable Red Hulk. Mackie's official transition to Captain America occurred in the Disney+ series "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier," which also introduced Danny Ramirez as Joaquín Torres, his ally who evolves into the new Falcon in the movie. Rounding out the cast are Liv Tyler, Tim Blake Nelson, and Giancarlo Esposito.

"Brave New World" soared into theaters on Friday, promising a thrilling new chapter in the storied saga of Captain America.

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