"Mothers' Instinct" is a captivating drama and thriller that delves into the shadowy realm of motherly love and the psychological toll of profound grief and guilt. The film centers on Alice and Celine, two seemingly idyllic housewives residing in a serene suburban neighborhood, surrounded by successful husbands and sons of the same tender age. These two women are inseparable, sharing every detail of their lives, from mundane daily routines to their deepest secrets.
However, their harmonious existence is shattered when tragedy strikes. Under Alice's watch, one of their beloved sons meets an untimely end in a devastating accident. The fallout is devastating, with Celine blaming Alice for the loss of her child and becoming increasingly paranoid about protecting her remaining son from any potential harm. Alice, on the other hand, is consumed by guilt and paranoia, fearing that Celine is plotting against her and her family.
The tension mounts as the two friends spiral into madness and violence, locked in a desperate battle of wills. The film stars Anne Hathaway as Celine and Jessica Chastain as Alice, two acclaimed actresses who bring depth and nuance to their roles. Hathaway and Chastain, both Oscar winners for their performances in "Les Misérables" and "The Eyes of Tammy Faye" respectively, have previously starred together in "Interstellar" and "Armageddon Time," but "Mothers' Instinct" marks their first on-screen collaboration.
Rounding out the cast are Josh Charles and Anders Danielsen Lie as the husbands of Alice and Celine, respectively, and Caroline Lagerfelt in a mysterious role. Charles is renowned for his roles in "The Good Wife" and "Dead Poets Society," while Lie, a Norwegian actor, has appeared in films such as "The Worst Person in the World" and "22 July." Lagerfelt, a veteran actress, has starred in shows like "Gossip Girl" and "The Blacklist," adding further depth to the film's ensemble.
The film was originally slated to be directed by Masset-Depasse, but it marks the directorial debut of acclaimed French cinematographer Benoît Delhomme. Delhomme, whose credits include "The Theory of Everything," "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas," and "At Eternity's Gate," was drawn to the story of "Mothers' Instinct" because of its rarity as a female-driven thriller that explores the intricate and often conflicting emotions of motherhood.
The screenplay, adapted by Sarah Conradt from the novel by Belgian author Barbara Abel, is a taut and tense narrative that blurs the lines between reality and imagination. Conradt, a screenwriter known for her work on TV shows like "Castle" and "Stalker," has crafted a gripping tale that explores the dark undercurrents of motherly love and the devastating consequences of loss.
Scheduled for release in the U.K. on March 27, "Mothers' Instinct" promises to be a thrilling and emotional journey that will leave audiences breathless. While the U.S. release date is still pending, the star-studded cast and the film's intriguing premise have already generated buzz among moviegoers.