"Frozen 3" is poised to grace the silver screens just in time for the festive embrace of Thanksgiving in 2027, as Disney has officially slotted the third enchanting animated adventure set in Arendelle for a November 24, 2027 release. Echoing the triumphant tradition of its predecessors, both "Frozen" films debuted around the golden era of Turkey Day, soaring to consecutive billion-dollar blockbusters status.
Furthermore, Disney has sprinkled another delightful surprise onto the cinematic horizon with "Hoppers," a Pixar gem scheduled for March 6, 2026. Starring the vocal talents of Jon Hamm and Bobby Moynihan, "Hoppers" promises a hilarious body-swap comedy, where a curious young girl harnesses technology to delve into the minds of animals, fostering a heartwarming bond.
The original "Frozen," which captivated audiences worldwide in 2013, stands as a testament to cinematic magic, raking in an astonishing $1.3 billion globally and sweeping a multitude of accolades, including two prestigious Oscars. Its sequel, released in 2019, surpassed even those lofty heights, grossing $1.45 billion and, until recently, held the crown as the highest-grossing animated film in cinematic history. The tales of royal sisters Anna and Elsa (voiced masterfully by Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel) not only enchanted but also birthed indelible tunes like "Let It Go" and "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?", inspiring a Broadway musical that continues to enchant.
In a revelation that set hearts aflutter, Disney's CEO Bob Iger announced in 2023 that the studio's creative engines were already humming with plans for a fourth "Frozen" adventure. Renowned songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, who crafted the magical melodies of the franchise, are poised to return, weaving new tunes for these upcoming chapters.
"The wheels are turning for 'Frozen 3,' and whispers suggest that even 'Frozen 4' might be inching closer to reality," Iger divulged last year. "Yet, I must leave much to the imagination for now. Director Jenn Lee, the visionary behind the original 'Frozen' and its sequel, is tirelessly collaborating with her talented team at Disney Animation, not on just one, but two captivating narratives that promise to keep the magic of Arendelle alive and thriving."