Ellipsis Entertainment in India, renowned for its critically acclaimed films "Do Aur Do Pyaar" and "Sharmajee Ki Beti," is embarking on a new journey with a film inspired by a notorious fraud case. The upcoming project, yet unnamed, delves deep into the controversial 1971 Nagarwala case that sent shockwaves through a Delhi branch of the State Bank of India.
The Nagarwala case revolves around the alleged double agent, Rustom Sohrab Nagarwala, who purportedly posed as then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to convince the bank's head cashier to withdraw a staggering INR6 million (equivalent to $800,000 at that time). However, the intricate details of this incident remain shrouded in mystery and debate.
Leading the investigation was Hari Dev Kaushal, the Station House Officer of Delhi's Chanakyapuri area, renowned for his efficient yet compassionate approach to law enforcement. Kaushal, who passed away at 91, left an indelible mark on the police force.
Interestingly, Kaushal is the patriarch of Bollywood stars Rahul Dev and Mukul Dev. Mukul Dev, who penned the script for Hansal Mehta's 2017 Toronto hit "Omerta," joins the writing team alongside Suprotim Sengupta (of Netflix's "Murder Mubarak") and Kunal Aneja (of Netflix's "Maamla Legal Hai"). This trio has conducted rigorous research, mining both primary and secondary sources, to bring this compelling story to life.
Ellipsis is currently on the hunt for the perfect actor to portray Hari Dev Kaushal, while also finalizing the director and assembling a stellar cast to depict the key players in this fascinating case. Founded in 2016 by veteran Indian film executive Tanuj Garg and the multi-faceted talent of photographer, talent agent, and producer Atul Kasbekar, Ellipsis' illustrious credits include "Tumhari Sulu" (2017) and "Looop Lapeta" (2022).
Garg, expressing his enthusiasm for the bank scam film, stated, "As a keen admirer of espionage narratives, I was instantly captivated by this enigmatic case. Many individuals connected to the investigation, including the primary suspect, passed away shortly after the incident. We are eagerly anticipating the finalization of our cast and the commencement of production."
Kasbekar added, "My early photographic work in 1990 introduced me to Rahul and Mukul Dev, who are also personal friends. I had the privilege of interacting extensively with their father, Hari Dev Ji. It's indeed fitting that he will be the focal point of this gripping tale."