Amazon has issued a statement, coupled with a stark warning, upon the release of the highly anticipated "The Boys" Season 4 finale. This climactic episode marks the culmination of a season-spanning narrative that unfolds during the tense period between a presidential election and inauguration, amidst assassination attempts on the president- and vice president-elect. Written over a year ago and filmed last year, the satirical superhero drama, originally titled "Assassination Run," now arrives at a particularly sensitive juncture, following the recent assassination attempt on former U.S. president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump. To reflect this sensitivity, the episode was renamed simply "Season Four Finale" and preceded by a stark warning advising "viewer discretion."
"The season finale of 'The Boys' portrays fictional scenes of political violence, which may be distressing for some viewers, particularly in the wake of the devastating injuries and tragic loss of life during the assassination attempt on former President Trump," read a statement from Prime Video. "As a fictional series filmed in 2023, any perceived similarities between the show's scenes or plotlines and real-world events are purely coincidental and unintentional. Amazon, Sony Pictures Television, and the producers of 'The Boys' unequivocally condemn any form of real-world violence."
Created by Eric Kripke, based on the eponymous graphic novel series, "The Boys" has often delved into political storylines that mirror current affairs since its inception in 2019. Season 4 finds itself in the aftermath of the election of presidential candidate Robert Singer (portrayed by Jim Beaver) and his sinister running mate, the undercover super-powered Victoria Neuman (Claudia Doumit). Neuman, who has been working for the superhero megacorp Vought and its supremacist leader, Homelander (Antony Starr), has become a prime target for assassination by the anti-supe squad, The Boys, led by Butcher (Karl Urban) and Hughie (Jack Quaid), who have been relentlessly pursuing her since the season's premiere on June 13.
The sixth episode of Season 4 witnessed Homelander, Victoria Neuman, and super Sister Sage (Susan Heyward) rallying support from powerful Federalist Society members to align with their sinister plan of total supe domination, including assassinating Singer after the inauguration, elevating Neuman to the presidency, and creating internment camps for anyone opposed to their regime.
In a June 18 interview with Variety, Kripke reflected on the increasingly political nature of "The Boys," stating, "When we first pitched the show, it was before Trump's election. The idea that a celebrity would actively aspire to become a fascist autocrat seemed far-fetched. But it has indeed happened. We've stumbled upon a show whose metaphorical themes perfectly capture the zeitgeist of our times, the intersection of celebrity and authoritarianism. Realizing this, we've embraced the narrative and pushed it further every season, all throughout Season 1. From the outset, Homelander delivers speeches reminiscent of George Bush, garnering praise from his devout followers. It's been there from the beginning."