With just two days until the grand opening of the Venice Film Festival, Deadline unveils an intriguing teaser for the Argentinian masterpiece, "Kill the Jockey," helmed by visionary director Luis Ortega. Starring the captivating Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, this absurdist comedy takes audiences on a wild ride with a legendary jockey whose self-destructive streak threatens to eclipse his prodigious talent and unravel his bond with his beloved Abril (Úrsula Corberó).
On the cusp of the pivotal race of his career—a victory that would erase his debts to the menacing mob boss Sirena (Daniel Gimenez Cacho)—fate intervenes in a catastrophic accident. Miraculously surviving, he vanishes from the hospital's confines, wandering the labyrinthine streets of Buenos Aires, liberated from the shackles of his former identity. In this state of anonymity, he embarks on a soul-searching journey to uncover his true essence. However, Sirena remains relentless, determined to find him, alive or otherwise.
"Kill The Jockey" makes its highly anticipated world premiere in competition at the Venice Film Festival this week, before crossing the Atlantic to captivate North American audiences at the Toronto International Film Festival, where it will grace the prestigious Centrepiece section. Ortega, alongside Rodolfo Palacios and Fabián Casas, have meticulously crafted the script, weaving a tale that is both hilarious and profound.
Biscayart, a Buenos Aires-born actor who straddles the worlds of Argentina and France, brings his inimitable charm to the forefront, having wowed international audiences with his performances in "120 Beats per Minute" and "My New Friends." Úrsula Corberó, known for her starring role in Netflix's global sensation "Money Heist," adds another feather to her cap with this project, while also gearing up for her next endeavor in Sky's "The Day of the Jackal."
The film boasts an impressive roster of Latin America's finest producers, including Rei Pictures' Benjamín Domenech, Santiago Gallelli, and Matías Roveda (behind critically acclaimed works like "The Settlers," "The Rescue," and "Zama"); Ortega and Esteban Perroud through their production house El Despacho; Infinity Hill's Axel Kuschevatzky and Cindy Teperman ("Argentina 1985"); as well as Warner Music Entertainment's Charlie Cohen and Exile's Nando Vila and Paz Lázaro.
The executive producer list reads like a who's who of cinema, featuring Oscar winner Benicio Del Toro, alongside Isaac Lee, Ron Broitman, Federico Frágola, Phin Glynn, Delfina Montecchia, and Martín Fisner. Co-produced by Piano, El Estudio, Snowglobe, Jacinto Films, and Barraca, in collaboration with VIX, Pampa Films, Gloriamundi, Dim Films, and Fundación Ernesto Sábato, "Kill the Jockey" promises to be a cinematic triumph that will resonate long after the festival lights fade.