The esteemed South Korean actor, Kim Soohyun, is set to captivate audiences once again in the upcoming Disney+ thriller, Knock-Off, scheduled to make its grand debut next year. Renowned for his starring roles in enchanting dramas such as My Love from The Star, the poignant It's Okay to Not Be Okay, and the heart-wrenching Queen of Tears, Soohyun now embarks on a new crime-infused journey alongside the talented Cho Boah, who shone brightly in Tale of the Nine Tailed and Military Prosecutor Doberman.
This edge-of-your-seat series, penned by the accomplished Han Junghoon (the mastermind behind Song of the Bandits and 38 Task Force), promises to be a gripping tale of deception and justice. Under the deft direction of Park Hyeonseok, who has left an indelible mark with works like Song of the Bandits and Stranger 2, Knock-Off is poised to take viewers on a rollercoaster ride of suspense and intrigue.
Scheduled to grace the Disney+ platform in 2025, this latest Korean masterpiece from the esteemed Mouse House follows a year of immense success, where over a dozen titles graced screens in 2024, further strengthening the streamer's robust Asia-Pacific content portfolio that gained momentum in 2023. With hits like Moving, Big Bet, and The Worst of Evil already leaving an impact, Knock-Off is set to add another feather in Disney+'s cap, ensuring that fans worldwide are kept on the edge of their seats with unforgettable storytelling.