Lily Allen: I m Getting Death Threats After Telling Dog Story

Published: Aug 26 2024

Lily Allen has found herself in the eye of a storm on social media, vigorously defending herself against the backlash sparked by her candid remarks about returning an adopted dog who had inadvertently devoured her family's passports. "I've never faced accusations of animal cruelty, and this week has been excruciatingly distressing," the British singer-songwriter lamented in her Instagram Stories on Sunday.

Lily Allen: I m Getting Death Threats After Telling Dog Story 1

The uproar stems from a recent episode of her podcast, 'Miss Me?', where Allen disclosed that amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, she welcomed a canine companion into her home only to have to relinquish her due to the unforeseen mishap with the passports. "But then it ate my passport, and so I took her back to the shelter," she shared, unaware of the furor her words would ignite.

The revelation triggered a flurry of criticism online, with media outlets sensationalizing her story, prompting Allen to lash out on Instagram, branding the public's response as a "maliciously distorted patchwork of quotes, cunningly crafted to evoke outrage."

In Thursday's podcast, Allen had elaborated that Mary, the puppy, "was a troubled soul, and I gave it my all, but it just wasn't meant to be. The passport incident was the final straw," she explained, a nuance largely overlooked by tabloids in their haste to publish.

"I've been inundated with vile messages, including death threats, and the filth on my socials knows no bounds. It's unsurprising, given the agenda behind those articles," Allen wrote, acknowledging the toll it's taken on her and her family. "I'm holding up, but these past days have been brutally challenging."

The story unfolded when Allen, chatting with her podcast co-host Steve Jones, a Welsh TV personality, mentioned the possibility of adopting a Chihuahua mix. Amidst the conversation, she recounted Mary's arrival and subsequent departure, after the pup consumed not just her passport but also those of her daughters, Ethel, 12, and Marnie, 11, from her previous marriage to Sam Cooper. Replacing the passports proved to be a "logistical quagmire," delaying their visits to their father in England by months.

"I just couldn't face her. It felt like she'd upended my world," Allen quipped, her tone tinged with humor amidst the chaos.

In her Instagram Stories, Allen painted a poignant picture of Mary's adoption from a New York shelter. Despite her deep affection for the dog, her family struggled to cope with Mary's "profound separation anxiety," which necessitated constant supervision. They even enlisted the help of a behavioral expert from the shelter to care for Mary during their absences.

After months of deliberation, Allen revealed that the family reluctantly concluded that their home wasn't an ideal fit for Mary. "We swiftly rehomed her with someone we knew, prioritizing her happiness and wellbeing above all else, despite the heartache," she wrote.

A representative for Allen remained tight-lipped when sought for comment.

Long an advocate for rescue dogs, Allen prides herself on her ability to discern a dog's needs. She even sarcastically tagged People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), thanking the organization for "fanning the flames" after they posted a scathing Instagram caption, accompanied by a photo of Allen, titled, "LILY ALLEN RETURNED HER DOG TO THE SHELTER FOR EATING HER PASSPORT."

PETA's post, which included a mechanical toy puppy as a sarcastic suggestion, warned that while passports can be replaced, Mary might languish in the shelter for months, if not years, awaiting a new family. The animal rights group did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

This isn't the first time Allen's candid opinions have stirred controversy. Earlier this year, she sparked mixed reactions when she confessed on the 'Radio Times' podcast that having children had "derailed" her career, a statement that elicited both ire and solidarity from listeners who appreciated her honesty.

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