In the captivating first trailer for their forthcoming film, "Love Me," Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun portray star-crossed lovers of artificial intelligence, navigating a world devoid of human presence. Stewart and Yeun embody a inquisitive buoy and a benevolent satellite, exploring the intricacies of Earth, humanity, and the essence of life long after mankind's extinction. Through the remnants of the internet and aged YouTube videos, these two robotic souls forge an unlikely bond, discovering the profound meaning of "being alive and in love" in a desolate, post-apocalyptic landscape.
Utilizing their artificial intelligence and digital avatars, they mimic a couple they once observed in vintage YouTube clips, embarking on a journey of self-discovery. In the trailer, Stewart's character poignantly declares, "I'm not even a buoy anymore," while Yeun thoughtfully remarks, "We're becoming who we are."
As Stewart elaborated in Rolling Stone's March 2024 cover issue, "Essentially, the vast, knowable universe is encapsulated within this machinery, and [our characters] embark on a quest to decipher the art of dating in this new reality."
Scheduled for theatrical release on January 31, "Love Me" will make its grand debut more than a year after premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, where it garnered the esteemed Alfred P. Sloan Feature Film Prize.
Penned and directed by the talented duo Sam and Andy Zuchero, the couple revealed to People that the film's inspiration stemmed from their own experiences. "It delves into the current sense of detachment we all feel and the desperate longing for connection," they shared. "'Love Me' has become a reflection of our false selves and our true identities."