Matt Damon, the charismatic star, has dropped an exciting update on the potential sequel to his 1998 cult classic 'Rounders,' a poker-themed drama that, despite an initial box office lull, has since garnered a loyal following. In a lively appearance on Roku Channel's 'The Rich Eisen Show' on Wednesday, Damon was asked about films from his repertoire ripe for sequels. Amidst the chatter, he revealed a heartfelt desire to revisit the gritty underground world of high-stakes poker depicted in John Dahl's masterpiece, alongside his esteemed co-stars Edward Norton, John Turturro, John Malkovich, and Gretchen Mol.
"The one we've been dreaming of for ages—and I just caught up with Edward Norton a few weeks back, and we're all in this together—is a sequel to 'Rounders,'" Damon enthused. "With so much evolution in the poker landscape over the past quarter-century, it'd be a blast to reunite with those characters and catch up on their journeys."
However, the road to realizing this poker-themed fantasy appears fraught with challenges, primarily stemming from the intricate web of rights issues surrounding the Miramax Films release from September 11, 1998. "Navigating the chain of title and determining ownership is a maze, with everyone having a stake in the game," Damon lamented. "We're striving to craft a deal that benefits everyone, especially the creative forces behind the camera—our cast and crew, who we cherish deeply at Artists Equity. It's a puzzle we're eager to solve because we all share a passion for making it happen."
Recalling conversations with the film's visionary screenwriters, David Levien and Brian Koppelman (who later crafted the hit Showtime series 'Billions'), Damon acknowledged their original sequel concept as brilliant. Yet, he muses that the dynamic shifts in the real-life poker scene necessitate a fresh take on the narrative. "Their ideas from a decade ago were brilliant, and I'm confident they can adapt, evolve, and update it to resonate with today's audience, crafting something truly exceptional," he said with conviction.
Amidst promoting his latest role in Apple's 'The Instigators,' Damon fondly reminisced about 'Rounders'' unexpected ascent from box office underdog to beloved fan favorite. "It was one of those films that initially struggled but eventually found its audience. People discovered it later, fostering a sense of ownership—like, 'That's my movie. I stood by it even when no one else did.' This groundswell of support feels incredibly rewarding. Now, we just need to crack the code and make this sequel a reality."