"Monkey Man" unfolds the imaginary tale of a young man known only as Kid (Patel), who embarks on a mission of vengeance against corrupt leaders responsible for murdering his mother and exploiting the downtrodden. During his appearance on TODAY on March 29, Patel divulged the reason behind his desire to star in this film, which had been in development for at least a decade.
"For me, it was a matter of representation," he explained. "I wanted to see someone who resembled me, my culture, my ancestry onscreen. I craved a fresh addition to the action genre, a true underdog who didn't appear to be bursting out of his suit yet could effortlessly vanquish the bad guys. As an avid fan and consumer of action films, I longed for stories that spoke to me, and I believe this film possesses a profound soul. It truly has a beating heart."
Viewers have been treated to a glimpse of the film's adrenaline-fueled plot through a series of trailers. The first trailer, released in January, introduces Patel's character in a string of intense fight scenes, while the second trailer, shared in March, offers a deeper peek into how his mother's death serves as the catalyst for his revenge.
According to Universal Pictures, a subsidiary of NBCUniversal, the parent company of TODAY, Patel stars alongside an ensemble cast including Sharlto Copley, Pitobash, Vipin Sharma, Sikandar Kher, Sobhita Dhulipala, Ashwini Kalsekar, Adithi Kalkunte, and Makarand Deshpande.
"Monkey Man" is set to make its theatrical debut across the United States on April 5, promising an action-packed adventure that will captivate audiences with its heartfelt narrative and thrilling visuals.