Based on a truly remarkable tale, "Ordinary Angels" shines a spotlight on Sharon Steves, a resilient yet struggling hairdresser in a small Kentucky town, brilliantly portrayed by Hilary Swank. When she crosses paths with Ed Schmitt, a widower valiantly supporting his two daughters, a renewed sense of purpose ignites within her. Ed, played by Alan Ritchson, faces a daunting challenge as his youngest daughter awaits a liver transplant. Sharon, determined to assist the family, vows to move mountains to ensure their well-being.
What unfolds is a heartwarming narrative of faith, everyday miracles, and ordinary angels. It seems almost natural to expect Sharon to offer her own liver to Ed's daughter, but life is never quite so simple. Instead, Ed's family must embark on a perilous journey across six hundred miles of snow-covered Kentucky to secure the transplant. Sharon's resolve is tested to the limit as she braces herself to clear a path through mountains of snow, literal and figurative.
Heading the cast, Hilary Swank and Alan Ritchson bring their exceptional acting prowess to the screen. Swank, whose impressive credits include standout performances in "Million Dollar Baby," "Boys Don't Cry," "The Hunt," "I Am Mother," and "You're Not You," adds another feather to her cap with her portrayal of Sharon. Her recent lead role in the ABC series "Alaska Daily" further demonstrates her versatility and ability to command the screen. Ritchson, on the other hand, showcases a diverse range of roles throughout his filmography, from comedic turns in "Blue Mountain State" and "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" to dramatic performances in "Reacher" and "Titans." His portrayal of a down-to-earth father of two in "Ordinary Angels" promises to be a refreshing change of pace.
Rounding out the ensemble are an array of talented actors, including Nancy Travis ("So I Married an Axe Murderer"), Tamala Jones ("Castle"), Amy Acker ("Angel," "The Cabin in the Woods"), Drew Powell ("Gotham"), Skywalker Hughes ("Joe Pickett"), and Emily Mitchell ("Women Talking").
"Ordinary Angels" is set to captivate audiences exclusively in theaters on February 23, 2024. Directed by Jon Gunn, whose previous works exhibit a similarly uplifting tone, the film promises to be a heartwarming ode to faith, resilience, and the everyday heroes among us.