"Ana, portrayed by Camila Mendes, is an aspiring intern with a keen eye on a future in the alluring art world. She strives to impress her demanding boss, Claire, played by the esteemed Marisa Tomei. Fate intervenes when Ana's seat is unexpectedly upgraded to first class on a work trip, catapulting her into an encounter with the charming Will, essayed by Archie Renaux. A simple mix-up leads Will to mistake Ana for her boss, a white lie that spins into a glittering tapestry of romance, opportunity, and high-stakes drama, until the threat of her deception looming large."
The script, a masterful collaboration between Christine Lenig, Justin Matthews, and Luke Spencer Roberts, shines a spotlight on Mendes and Renaux's dynamic chemistry as Ana and William. Mendes, a familiar face from her memorable portrayal of Veronica in The CW's hit series Riverdale, brings depth and nuance to her role. Her previous credits include Do Revenge, Dangerous Lies, and Coyote Lake, among others, further testament to her versatility as an actress.
Renaux, a rising star, has previously captivated audiences in projects like Morbius, The Other Zoey, Shadow and Bone, and Zero. His charming presence and natural talent add a new dimension to the film.
Marisa Tomei, an Academy Award winner for her iconic performance in My Cousin Vinny, lends her star power to the ensemble. Recently seen in films like She Came to Me, Delia's Gone, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and The King of Staten Island, Tomei's presence elevates every scene she's in.
Rounding out the ensemble is a stellar cast including Thomas Kretschmann (Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny), Gregory Montel (Transatlantic), Aimee Carrero (The Menu), Andrew Schulz (White Men Can’t Jump), Rachel Matthews (The Duel), Lena Olin (Hunters), Fola Evans-Akingbola (The Night Agent), Anthony Head (Ted Lasso), and Saoirse-Monica Jackson (The Flash).
Upgraded, a captivating tale of love, lies, and unexpected adventure, premieres on Prime Video on Friday, February 9, promising an evening of thrilling entertainment.