Legendary Entertainment is embarking on an ambitious journey to expand the captivating Kaiju universe with the announcement of a thrilling prequel series to the beloved 'Pacific Rim' franchise, as exclusively revealed by Variety. This upcoming television spectacle promises to delve into the origins of the epic tale, marking the inaugural project under a groundbreaking first-look agreement with the esteemed creative duo of Eric Heisserer and Carmen Lewis, under their production banner, Chronology.
Heisserer, renowned for crafting the Oscar-nominated screenplay of Denis Villeneuve's mind-bending sci-fi masterpiece 'Arrival' and penning the binge-worthy Netflix phenomenon 'Bird Box,' brings his storytelling prowess to the small screen once again, having previously helmed the fantastical Netflix series 'Shadow and Bone.' His impressive track record of both critical acclaim and commercial success speaks volumes about the magnitude of this collaboration.
"Eric is a veritable renaissance man in the creative landscape, a prolific auteur whose body of work stands as a testament to his artistic prowess and commercial appeal," enthused Jason Clodfelter, President of Legendary Television, in a statement. "We are overjoyed to embark on this partnership with Eric, Chronology, and Carmen, introducing a fresh chapter to the globally adored 'Pacific Rim' universe. We are confident that their visionary approach will ignite an exhilarating expansion of Legendary's cherished franchise, captivating audiences worldwide."
The 'Pacific Rim' universe is renowned for its colossal Kaiju monsters that breach our world through an otherworldly portal lurking at the depths of the Pacific Ocean. With two feature films already etching their mark, including the recent 2018 sequel 'Pacific Rim: Uprising,' and a two-season anime adventure 'Pacific Rim: The Black' streaming on Netflix from 2021 to 2022, the prequel series promises to delve deeper into the mythology, unraveling secrets that have long remained hidden. Prepare for an immersive journey that will leave you on the edge of your seat, as the legendary battle between Jaegers and Kaiju takes on a whole new dimension.