The long-awaited fifth installment of the beloved "Shrek" franchise has officially been greenlit, as Universal and DreamWorks Animation revealed that the iconic series will be returning to theaters on July 1, 2026. Reuniting the star-studded cast of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, and Cameron Diaz, the film marks a triumphant return 25 years after the original "Shrek" captured hearts worldwide.
After years of anticipation, this latest chapter in the franchise will arrive 16 years after the last entry, "Shrek Forever After," which debuted in 2010 and raked in a whopping $752.6 million globally. Walt Dohrn, who has served as a writer on the second and third films and as head of story on the fourth, will helm the project, joined by co-director Brad Ableson, best known for his work on "Minions: The Rise of Gru." Gina Shay, producer of "Shrek Forever After," and Chris Meledandri, CEO of Illumination, will produce the highly anticipated film.
The "Shrek" franchise, which began under the guidance of Jeffrey Katzenberg with the 2001 hit, has been praised for its groundbreaking animation style and witty take on classic fairy-tale tropes. The story revolves around the lovable ogre Shrek (Myers), who finds true love with Fiona (Diaz), the cursed princess of Far Far Away trapped in an ogre's body. Donkey (Murphy) provides comic relief, heartfelt moments, and a lasting friendship to Shrek, creating an unforgettable trio. The original film grossed a staggering $492.2 million worldwide, bagging an Oscar for Best Animated Feature and introducing the iconic band Smash Mouth to a generation of viewers.
Based on William Steig's beloved book, the "Shrek" franchise has been a resounding success for DreamWorks, then led by Katzenberg. The empire, including the feline-focused spinoffs "Puss in Boots," is the second-highest-grossing animated franchise of all time, amassing $2.9 billion globally. It has also inspired a world tour and a Broadway musical, solidifying its cultural impact.
With the announcement of "Shrek 5," the family film market is poised for a long-awaited resurgence following the pandemic. Universal and Illumination's "Despicable Me 4" is already making waves at the summer box office, while Disney and Pixar's "Inside Out 2" is poised to join the ranks of the top-grossing animated films ever. As the "Shrek" franchise prepares to make its triumphant return, fans worldwide are eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the iconic ogre's adventures.