Director Greg McLean, the visionary behind the chilling 'Wolf Creek' franchise, is poised to unleash a supernatural thriller that promises to captivate audiences worldwide with 'The First Exorcist.' This epic tale of faith and demonic possession, hailing from the land down under, marks a collaborative endeavor between McLean's Emu Creek Pictures and Mark Fennessy's innovative Helium Studios.
Set against the backdrop of Biblical times, 'The First Exorcist' weaves a mesmerizing tapestry of religious intrigue and supernatural phenomena. The narrative follows a mother's harrowing odyssey as she races against time to rescue her daughter from the clutches of a demonic entity. As their world descends into a nightmare, the mother stumbles upon whispers of a legendary healer, possessed of the uncanny ability to banish evil spirits. Embarking on a perilous journey, she must navigate treacherous terrain, confront hostile Roman forces, and confront her own fears to reach this enigmatic figure and save her daughter's soul.
Filming is slated for Victoria, Australia, with cameras rolling in 2025, following the careful casting of a talented ensemble. McLean, renowned for his gritty horror masterpieces and genre-bending TV series, plans to harness cutting-edge virtual production technology to breathe life into ancient cities and landscapes, transporting viewers to a time when demons walked among men.
'The First Exorcist' is more than just a horror film; it's a cinematic journey that explores the depths of maternal love, the power of faith, and the eternal battle between good and evil. McLean's refined storytelling and visually stunning style will elevate this tale into a cinematic milestone, leaving audiences breathless and haunted long after the credits roll.
Fennessy, the helmsman of Helium since 2021, expresses his unbridled enthusiasm for the project, stating, "Greg's script is a masterclass in intensity and emotional depth, laced with terrifying frights, a captivating historical backdrop, and profound supernatural themes. Together, they forge a cinematic experience that will redefine the genre. We are thrilled to bring Greg's chilling vision to life, one that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on audiences worldwide."
With Helium's diverse portfolio of critically acclaimed dramas and feature films, including 'Last King of the Cross' and '6 Festivals,' the collaboration with Emu Creek Pictures promises to be a groundbreaking union, setting new standards in supernatural storytelling.