Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss, the visionaries behind Broadway's smash hit 'Six,' have embarked on a new musical journey, penning the songs for the upcoming animated feature, 'Bad Fairies,' helmed by director Megan Nicole Dong. Warner Bros. Pictures Animation and Locksmith Animation have announced that this whimsical tale, set for a July 23, 2027 release, is already in full production in London.
'Bad Fairies' promises to be a mischievous musical comedy that unfolds in the vibrant streets of modern-day London, centering around a defiant group of unconventional fairies. Dong, renowned for her creation and direction of the Netflix animated musical series 'Centaurworld,' brings her unique vision to this enchanting story.
Adding even more magic to the mix, Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss, the creative minds behind the Tony Award-winning musical 'Six' and the upcoming London West End production 'Why Am I So Single,' have joined the fray to write the songs for 'Bad Fairies.' Furthermore, Grammy-nominated musician Isabella Summers, known for her work with Florence and the Machine, will compose the score and produce the songs, infusing the film with her signature musical brilliance.
"Warner Bros. Pictures Animation and Locksmith Animation are thrilled to have Toby Marlow, Lucy Moss, and Isabella Summers, this stellar trio of musical geniuses, on board for 'Bad Fairies,'" said Bill Damaschke, President of Warner Bros. Pictures Animation, and Mary Coleman, CCO of Locksmith Animation, in a joint statement. "Together, they will breathe vibrant life into the story, and we eagerly await the opportunity to share this magical tale with audiences worldwide in 2027."
Carolyn Soper oversees production, while Rikke Asbjoern and Chris Garbutt lead the storytelling efforts. Sim Evan-Jones edits the project, Uwe Heidschötter handles cinematography, and he also oversees character design, ensuring that each and every fairy comes to life with captivating detail.