"Wicked" is poised to cast its enchanting spell on audiences worldwide...LAR. The initial reactions to director Jon M. Chu's cinematic adaptation of the iconic Broadway musical, which premiered on Wednesday, have audiences singing praises for the stellar performances delivered by Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo, while also lauding the movie's exceptional production values.
Journalist Simon Thompson hailed the film as an "awesome spectacle that bursts onto the big screen with mesmerizing charm," further noting that it is "a breathtakingly stunning visual feast" and that Grande and Erivo "deliver nothing short of extraordinary."
"Wicked" marks the first of Chu's two films adapting the beloved musical, with the sequel slated for a Thanksgiving 2025 release. Based on the best-selling novel by Gregory Maguire, the show unravels the untold tale of the witches of Oz, featuring Erivo as the misunderstood Elphaba and Grande as the radiant Glinda. The Broadway production, which debuted in 2003 with Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth, has been beautifully translated to the screen by Winnie Holzman, the stage production's book writer, alongside Dana Fox. Academy Award-winning composer and lyricist Stephen Schwartz has adeptly adapted the musical for the cinematic medium.
On X, formerly Twitter, original Broadway Glinda Kristin Chenoweth penned her excitement, stating that audiences will be "forever transformed" upon the film's release, adding that she is "eagerly anticipating its arrival."
Scott Menzel echoed this sentiment on X, writing, "'Wicked' is a cinematic marvel that stands as one of the finest big screen adaptations of a Broadway musical ever crafted. Jon M. Chu masterfully captures the essence of the Broadway show while infusing it with his own distinctive flair. Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo shine brilliantly as Elphaba and Glinda, respectively. Jonathan Bailey also delivers a phenomenal performance in the film. 'Wicked' not only meets but often exceeds the hype. Oh, and there's one scene that will leave Broadway fans absolutely breathless. 'Wicked' is unequivocally one of the year's finest films."
Erin Strecker was equally enthusiastic, stating, "Delighted to confirm that 'Wicked' is the best musical-to-movie adaptation since 'Chicago' and 'Mamma Mia!' Ariana Grande...is pure perfection!"
Another online commentator remarked that the movie "defied gravity...and all my expectations!" adding that "Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande are absolutely stunning in this epic musical odyssey."