The eagerly anticipated Aldis Hodge-led crime thriller series, "Cross," is set to debut on Prime Video on November 14, promising a pulse-racing ride. This groundbreaking project, inspired by the renowned Alex Cross book series by James Patterson, has already secured a green light for a second season, testament to its captivating narrative. The series follows a detective and forensic psychologist, delving into the complex psyches of killers and their victims in a quest to uncover and apprehend the perpetrators.
In addition to Hodge, who doubles as a producer, the stellar cast includes Isaiah Mustafa, Juanita Jennings, Alona Tal, Samantha Walkes, Caleb Elijah, Melody Hurd, Jennifer Wigmore, Eloise Mumford, and Ryan Eggold, each bringing their unique talent to breathe life into these compelling characters.
The Alex Cross character, initially portrayed by Morgan Freeman in the films "Kiss the Girls" and "Along Came a Spider," has undergone a captivating reimagining. In 2012, the franchise received a reboot with Tyler Perry taking on the iconic role. Patterson first introduced Alex Cross in his 1993 novel "Along Came a Spider," and the character has continued to thrill readers in 10 subsequent novels.
"Cross" joins Prime Video's esteemed list of series adapted from beloved book franchises, including "Reacher" based on Lee Child's novels and "Jack Ryan" inspired by Tom Clancy's thrilling tales. While "Jack Ryan" concluded its run last year, a spin-off is currently in development, ensuring the continuation of this captivating universe.
Produced by Amazon MGM Studios, Paramount Television Studios, and Skydance Television, "Cross" is the brainchild of showrunner Ben Watkins, who serves as the executive producer through his Blue Monday Productions banner. Patterson, Sam Ernst, Jim Dunn, Craig Siebels, Bill Robinson, Patrick Santa, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, and Bill Bost join Watkins as executive producers, ensuring that this series delivers a captivating and unforgettable experience.