If Anna Faris were to reprise her iconic role in the upcoming Scary Movie franchise, she holds a few unwavering demands. Earlier this year, Paramount and Miramax announced plans for a new installment, following the 2013 release of Scary Movie 5 directed by Malcom D. Lee. The actress, who graced our screens as Cindy Campbell in the first four films from 2000 to 2006, recently revealed to People magazine the conditions that would make her rejoin the hilarious horror spoof.
"Of course, money would be a great incentive!" Faris chuckled. But she emphasized that her heart's desire would be to reunite with her former co-star, Regina Hall, who portrayed her character's beloved best friend Brenda. "Working with Regina again would be a dream come true. I adore her," said the star of My Spy: The Eternal City. "We'd be giggling non-stop, creating magic onscreen. Regina Hall is my answer, coupled with a decent paycheck. But Regina's presence tops the list!"
Faris went on to elaborate on the profound impact those films had on her life and career, especially since her star rose following the franchise's debut in 2000. "I cherish that franchise. It was my acting bootcamp, my starting point," said the beloved actress from The House Bunny. "If I had to compare it to a high school experience, those four movies played a pivotal role in shaping me as an actress. They taught me how to handle props, how to fall gracefully, and even how to take a convincing head-butt! I even learned how to keep Chiclets in my mouth and spit them out, dripping with blood, just at the perfect moment for the camera."
The film series has always been renowned for its clever parody of horror films, and fans were disappointed to see neither Faris nor Hall in Scary Movie 5, which starred Simon Rex and Ashley Tisdale. But with Faris's recent comments, there's a glimmer of hope that we might see the dynamic duo reunite on the big screen once again.