BLACKPINK's enigmatic member, Jennie, through her agency, OA Entertainment, has elegantly clarified a misconception surrounding the beloved moniker of her ardent supporters. On the 19th of September, amidst a flurry of excitement, Jennie unveiled a brief, enchanting audio greeting on her agency's official portal, endearingly addressing her fans as "Rubies." Her sweet voice echoed, "Hi, Rubies! It's Jennie. Stay tuned, and see you soon. Love you. Bye!" This heartfelt message inadvertently sparked a flurry of speculation, with many speculating that "Rubies" had officially been crowned as her fandom name. However, the coincidence of singer Kwon Eun Bi's fandom also being known as "RUBI" ignited a gentle buzz about potential name overlaps.
In a timely and considerate move, OA Entertainment swiftly stepped in to shed light on the matter, clarifying, "Jennie's use of the term 'Rubies' was solely an affectionate gesture towards her fans in a recent news update and does not constitute an official declaration of her fandom name." The agency emphasized the distinction, ensuring clarity amidst the confusion.
It's worth noting that Jennie has previously laid her claim to "Jennie Ruby Jane," her full English moniker, by registering it as a trademark, further adding depth to her unique identity.
Now, as the countdown to her grand comeback intensifies, Jennie is poised to captivate hearts once again with a sizzling solo single, set to drop in October. This collaboration with the prestigious American record label, Columbia Records, promises to elevate her musical journey to new heights, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the next chapter in her illustrious career.