The hilarious comedy penned and headlined by Cole Escola has triumphantly extended its run, now set to delight audiences until November 10. Last week, Escola's captivating piece "Oh, Mary!" shattered the Lyceum Theatre's box office record, amassing a staggering $1.05 million, surpassing even the mighty "A Strange Loop," which reigned supreme as the 2022 Best Musical.
Marking the first full week of regular performances, Escola's portrayal of Mary Todd Lincoln as an aspiring cabaret star has resonated deeply with critics and audiences alike. Responding to the overwhelming positivity and stellar sales, "Oh, Mary!" has now expanded its engagement, originally scheduled to conclude on September 15, but now set to entertain until November 10.
Since its off-Broadway debut this spring, the play has found a new home at the Lyceum, where it premiered on July 11. For the past two weeks, the theater has been operating at full capacity, a testament to the show's irresistible charm. Remarkably, this marks the first time any production has exceeded the $1 million mark at the 895-seat Lyceum, previously held by "A Strange Loop" with its $955,591 gross during its final week in January 2023.
Meanwhile, this year's Best Musical winner, "The Outsiders," continues to soar, breaking its own box office record for the fifth consecutive week, raking in an impressive $1.43 million and maintaining its 100-plus percent capacity. And as "The Who's Tommy" gracefully bowed out of its Broadway run, it left a lasting impression, grossing $1.04 million—the highest earnings during its four-month tenure. This revival, which premiered at the Nederlander Theatre on March 28 and was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical (ultimately losing to "Merrily We Roll Along"), concluded its journey with a triumphant flourish.
Overall, the industry's total grosses have surged 5 percent, bolstered by the addition of "Job," which commenced performances on July 15 and grossed $319,668 at the Hayes Theater, where it has maintained a perfect 100 percent capacity. Additionally, the industry leaders "The Lion King," "Hamilton," and "Wicked" continue to dominate the box office, ensuring that Broadway remains a vibrant and lucrative hub of entertainment.