Based in Paris and Berlin, the renowned sales house Salaud Morisset has assumed the international sales responsibilities for the upcoming film "To a Land Unknown," directed by the Palestinian-Danish filmmaker Mahdi Fleifel. This captivating tale, set to make its world premiere next month during the Directors' Fortnight at Cannes, offers a poignant glimpse into the desperate struggle of two Palestinian cousins stranded in Athens. On Tuesday, an exclusive first-look image was unveiled, further piquing the curiosity of film enthusiasts worldwide.
Already, Eurozoom has signed on to distribute the film in French cinemas, ensuring that a wider audience will have the opportunity to experience this powerful narrative. "To a Land Unknown" tells the heart-wrenching story of Chatila and Reda, cousins who are desperately trying to find a way to reach Germany from their current predicament in Athens. They are saving every penny to purchase fake passports and escape their current situation. However, when Reda succumbs to his drug addiction and loses their hard-earned savings, Chatila devises a radical plan. Posing as smugglers and taking hostages, they embark on a risky journey in an attempt to escape their hopeless surroundings before it's too late. This thrilling tale promises to captivate audiences with its intense drama and poignant portrayal of human resilience in the face of adversity.