"East Bay," a captivating dark comedy starring the renowned actress Constance Wu, who has graced our screens in hits like "Fresh Off the Boat" and "Crazy Rich Asians," has secured a highly anticipated deal for North American distribution and global sales, courtesy of Level 33 Entertainment.
This captivating film, which garnered the Audience Award at the Cinequest Film and Creativity festival in San Jose last year, promises to take audiences on a hilarious yet poignant journey. Level 33 Entertainment has meticulously planned its theatrical release in North American cinemas next month, preceding its digital debut.
In "East Bay," Constance Wu portrays the loyal confidante of a man grappling with the feeling that he has disappointed his immigrant parents. After enduring a series of humiliating personal and professional setbacks, he reluctantly concedes that he is a failure. His circle of friends, including an arts administrator, a guru, and computer programmers, each battle their own demons and struggle with the societal pressure to be perpetually happy and successful.
As the protagonist strives to regain his footing, he experiences hallucinations that blur the lines between reality and fiction, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next twist and turn in this hilarious yet heartfelt tale.