Hudson Meek, a promising young actor renowned for his portrayal of the child protagonist in the blockbuster action film "Baby Driver" and, more recently, for his notable roles in several television series, tragically passed away after a fall from a moving vehicle in Alabama, aged just 16.
On December 19th, in Vestavia Hills, Alabama, Meek's life was cut short in a devastating accident. Chief Deputy Coroner Bill Yates revealed to local news outlet that he "sustained severe blunt force injuries after plummeting onto the road from a moving vehicle." Despite being rushed to a nearby hospital, he peacefully succumbed to his injuries on Saturday, as announced in an obituary posted on Searcy Funeral Homes' website.
"Our hearts are shattered as we mourn the loss of Hudson Meek, who has returned to be with Jesus tonight," read a heartfelt post on Meek's Instagram account. "His 16 years on earth may have been fleeting, but he accomplished remarkable feats and left an indelible mark on everyone he encountered."
The Vestavia Hills Police Department is currently investigating the circumstances surrounding Meek's untimely demise, according to local station WTVM.
As a sophomore at Vestavia Hills High School, Meek was an integral member of the Vestavia Hills Rebel Football Team. Beyond his athletic endeavors, the obituary highlights his profound faith, his avid love for "The Simpsons" – having binge-watched all 36 seasons, his cherished friendships, water sports, the outdoors, travel, and, of course, his passion for acting.
Prior to securing the role of Young Baby Driver in Edgar Wright's 2017 film, which starred Ansel Elgort as the adult version of the getaway driver entangled in a web of crime and a failed heist, Meek had appeared in various minor roles in television and short films. The movie, which garnered both critical acclaim and commercial success, served as a pivotal milestone in his burgeoning career. He also racked up credits on network series such as "MacGyver," "Legacies," and "Found."
Hudson leaves behind a loving family, including his parents, Derek Firth Meek and Lani Wells Meek; his older brother, Tucker Firth Meek; and his grandmothers, Margaret Green Meek and Faye Searcy Wells. In celebration of his life, a service will be held on December 28th at Dawson Memorial Baptist Church in Homewood, Alabama.