Embarking on a fresh wave of romantic comedy in the K-drama realm, "Cinderella at 2 AM" shines brightly with its star-studded cast, led by the charismatic Shin Hyun-Been and the up-and-coming Moon Sang-Min. Set to captivate audiences on August 24, 2024, exclusively on Coupang Play, this highly anticipated series promises a Saturday night filled with laughter and heartwarming moments.
Just two days prior to its grand premiere, Seoul reverberated with excitement as the production presentation for "Cinderella at 2 AM" unfolded. The event gathered the crème de la crème of the Korean entertainment industry, including the lead actors and the visionary director, Seo Min-Jung, as reported by iMBC.
Amidst the buzz, Moon Sang-Min, a youthful 24-year-old, and Shin Hyun-Been, the elegant 38-year-old actress, gracefully addressed their 14-year age gap with poise and humor. Shin Hyun-Been quipped, "Our tastes intertwine seamlessly, making me wonder if Moon Sang-min had mischievously concealed his true age." She continued, her eyes sparkling with warmth, "But his honesty and radiant personality quickly bridged the gap, and we found ourselves comfortably entwined. The age difference, it seemed, faded into the background."
In a witty counterpoint, Moon Sang-Min, with a grin that could charm even the most skeptical, remarked to Hankyung, "I'm grateful for the constant opportunities to portray older-younger love stories. My secret weapon? My infectious smile, I suppose."
The chemistry between the two leads was palpable, with Sang-Min confidently awarding their on-screen rapport a flawless score of 100. Shin Hyun-Been echoed the sentiment, recounting their filming days as filled with laughter and joy. This synergy foreshadows a viewing experience where the audience will be treated to a delightful blend of chemistry and romance, unparalleled in recent K-drama offerings.
Mark your calendars, dear viewers, for "Cinderella at 2 AM" premieres on Saturday, August 24, 2024, exclusively streaming on Coupang Play. Prepare to be swept away by a tale of love that defies time and transcends age.