Conor Leslie, the captivating portrayal of Donna Troy in the DC series Titans, now takes the lead role in Archangel, a hair-raising thriller crafted by comic book maven and screenwriter Bryan Edward Hill. Hill, who also served as a writer and supervising producer on Titans, makes his directorial debut with this film, which was shot under the radar and has now reached its conclusion. The mysterious thriller will make its debut at the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con, with Hill and Leslie gracing the event.
Backed by Spooky Pictures and Image Nation Abu Dhabi, Archangel hints at the emergence of a new horror juggernaut. Their previous collaborations include Watcher, a thriller helmed by Chloe Okuno and starring Maika Monroe, and the microbudget horror hit Late Night with the Devil, which shattered records as IFC Films' highest-grossing opening weekend ever, surpassing $10 million domestically.
Archangel delves into the world of a privately funded organization delving into the mysteries of life after death. However, an ancient entity with sinister motives stands as a formidable obstacle, determined to keep mankind from uncovering the true essence of the supernatural.
Parallel to this, Hill is penning a graphic novel, its narrative woven within the haunting world of Archangel. This visual story is currently being courted by various publishers. The film's ensemble cast boasts Greg Hovanessian, Alyshia Ochse, Azure Parsons, and Trevor Riley, all bringing their unique talents to the screen.
Produced by the likes of Roy Lee and Steven Schneider of Spooky Pictures, Derek Dauchy of Image Nation, and Julius Pryor and Hill of Kevlar Creative, Archangel is also executive produced by Ben Ross and Rami Yasin. A sneak peek of this spine-chilling thriller will be showcased at a Comic-Con panel titled "Image Nation and Spooky Pictures Presents: Murder in the Next Row – The Future of Horror Unveiled," occurring on Thursday at 1:00 PM in room 9 of the San Diego Convention Center. Alongside Hill and Schneider, Leslie will also grace the panel, offering insights into her role and showcasing artwork from the accompanying graphic novel.