Doja Cat unleashed a torrent of emotions on her 2023 masterpiece, 'Scarlet,' and in a captivating interview with Jack Harlow for Present Space, the "Paint the Town Red" maven delved into why harnessing her own fury was the cornerstone of her creative odyssey. "Scarlet," she eloquently articulated in the Thursday-released conversation, "is, quite simply, a project steeped in anger—a raw, unfiltered expression of emotions."
"The essence of this album," Doja continued, her voice laced with conviction, "lies in showcasing anger and its intricate dance within my psyche. But it's also a testament to self-defense and self-love, a moment where I confront the world, stand tall, and declare, 'I'm here for me, not merely to entertain others.'"
Following the success of 'Planet Her' in 2021, 'Scarlet,' released in September last year, stormed its way to the No. 4 spot on the Billboard 200 and No. 2 on the Top Rap Albums chart, further cementing Doja's status as a force to be reckoned with.
During her insightful chat with the "First Class" rapper, Doja also peeled back the layers on her meticulous approach to social media following. "As humans, we're still navigating the vast, uncharted waters of the Internet," she mused, her Grammy-winning wisdom shining through. "We often mistake control for illusion, scrolling through feeds filled with curated happiness that can leave us feeling adrift in our own lives."
"I've realized that following those who create, innovate, and inspire is a mental oasis for me," she elaborated, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "It's a sanctuary from the superficial, where people either feign or genuinely bask in joy. I refuse to use my phone as a window to others' happiness when I yearn to experience it firsthand, in all its raw, unfiltered glory."