On a sunny Saturday in New York's picturesque Hudson Valley, the actress Eva Amurri, daughter of the legendary Susan Sarandon and director Franco Amurri, tied the knot with her chef sweetheart, Ian Hock. The star-studded wedding was graced by the presence of Amurri's mother, Susan Sarandon, along with her former partner Tim Robbins. The celebration also featured Amurri's three cherubic children, who she shared with her ex-husband Kyle Martino, whom she had been married to for eight blissful years before their amicable split in November 2019.
Amurri, who also doubles as a lifestyle blogger and the founder of Happily Eva After, exchanged vows with Hock at the serene Windrift Hall, surrounded by their closest family and friends. According to People magazine, who first broke the news, the bride herself shared the publication's report via her official Instagram account, adding a personal touch to the already heartwarming occasion.
Amurri revealed that she and Hock had met at his restaurant during a time when she was "heavily pregnant and fresh out of a divorce." Their relationship blossomed slowly, and in February 2023, Hock popped the question in the romantic city of Paris. "I never imagined remarrying after my divorce," Amurri confessed to People. "But to have found Ian, a man who loves me and my children unconditionally, is a true blessing. I'm eager to embark on this new journey as husband and wife."
The newlyweds' first dance set the tone for the evening, as they swayed gracefully to Taylor Swift's heartfelt ballad "Lover." "This song has always held a special place in our hearts," Amurri shared with People. "And later, we danced a family dance to 'Joy' by Andy Grammer, our special song that brings us all together."
Amurri's illustrious acting career spans various TV shows like "Monarch," "The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe," and "Undateable," while her film credits include "That's My Boy," "New York, I Love You," and "The Banger Sisters," which starred her mother, Susan Sarandon. This wedding marked not just a union between two hearts but a celebration of family, love, and the beginning of a beautiful new chapter.