Ascendant Entertainment, helmed by Rob Friedman, is embarking on an exhilarating drama series centered around the vibrant world of female high school basketball, in a collaborative endeavor with former player Melanie Page and seasoned producer Kellie R. Griffin, exclusively revealed by Variety. Entitled "On the Line," this series promises to delve into the heart-pumping on-court action and the intricate off-court lives of these talented teen athletes.
Page, a former Maryland hoops star whose WNBA aspirations were thwarted by injury, now brings her passion and insight to the forefront, co-developing the series alongside Griffin, who will helm it as showrunner. Alison Lani Genest, Ascendant's VP of Development, oversees the project, ensuring its every aspect resonates with authenticity and depth.
Amidst the soaring popularity of women's basketball, "On the Line" arrives as a timely testament to the resilience and drive of these young women. "As a proud father of four daughters and a basketball dad at heart, I recognize the treasure trove of compelling narratives and shared viewing experiences this arena holds," enthuses Friedman. "Our lens is focused not on the sidelines but on the players themselves—the young women navigating the pressures and drama of balancing academics, sports, and relationships in their daily lives."
Page, whose journey from the court to filmmaking has been nothing short of inspiring, reflects, "In my formative years as a basketball player, I yearned for a story like this. It's a profound honor to create a mirror that reflects what girls like me longed to see. 'On the Line' captures the thrill and intensity of girls' basketball, where the stakes, both on and beyond the hardwood, can shape destinies and challenge limits."
With its promise of high-stakes drama, unwavering dedication, and relatable struggles, "On the Line" is poised to become a game-changer, both on and off the screen.
Griffin, a trailblazer in entertainment, has left an indelible mark with her visionary creations, notably co-executive producing the BET sensation "Reed Between the Lines," a show that shone brightly with the talents of Malcolm-Jamal Warner and Tracee Ellis Ross in lead roles. Her portfolio extends beyond this triumph, encompassing projects like NBC's "Crowded" and Netflix's beloved "Fuller House," showcasing her versatility and depth in the industry.
Moreover, Griffin's passion for storytelling transcends genres, as evidenced by her foray into children's animation. Her contributions to Netflix's "Karma's World" garnered her a prestigious Humanitas Prize nomination, testament to her ability to capture hearts and minds through captivating narratives. Her resume further boasts collaborations on hit series such as "The Loud House" and "Rubble and Crew," where she weaves magic with each frame.
"As the loving bonus mother to a spirited, nearly 15-year-old athlete, I am overjoyed to embark on this exciting endeavor," Griffin enthused. "Not only will this series illuminate the paths of fearless female ballers, but it delves deeply into the transformative, albeit tumultuous, high school years. It promises to be a cathartic and eye-opening journey for both teens navigating these years and their supportive parents alike."