Haley Pullos, a veteran of ABC's iconic soap opera "General Hospital," who portrayed Molly Lansing-Davis across a remarkable span of nearly 500 episodes from 2009 to 2023, faced the consequences of her actions in a Pasadena courtroom on Monday. The actress was handed a five-year probation sentence, following her guilty plea to felony charges of driving under the influence and having already served a three-month jail term.
Pullos, now 26, was further sentenced to undertake 200 hours of community service and embark on a rigorous nine-month alcohol treatment program. Additionally, she was ordered to reimburse over $8,000 in restitution to the innocent motorist whose vehicle she collided with while driving the wrong way on the Ventura Freeway in April 2023. This tragic incident, which left both drivers hospitalized after a harrowing rescue by firefighters, marked the end of Pullos' long-running role on "General Hospital."
Recalling her illustrious journey on the show, Pullos first graced the screens as a child, growing up alongside her character, Molly, for over a decade. However, her time on the medical drama came to an abrupt halt after the devastating crash, and she hasn't returned since.
The authorities detailed that Pullos was traveling westward on the Ventura Freeway when she suddenly veered into the opposing lanes, crossing a safety barrier before crashing head-on into an approaching vehicle. The severity of the collision required emergency responders to extract both drivers from their wrecked cars, leaving their exact injuries shrouded in uncertainty.
Earlier this year, Pullos admitted her guilt for the felony charge, acknowledging the gravity of her actions. Despite repeated attempts, a representative for the actress remained tight-lipped, declining to comment on the matter.