The beloved classic "Freaky Friday" is set to make a triumphant return to the silver screens, with its eagerly awaited sequel scheduled for a nationwide release in 2025. The star-studded cast, including Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis, has reunited for this highly anticipated film, which kicked off its filming journey today in the heart of Los Angeles. The sequel, helmed by the talented director Nisha Ganatra, will take us years after the initial body-swap adventure of Tess (Curtis) and Anna (Lohan). This time, Anna boasts a daughter and an imminent stepdaughter, adding a new layer of complexity to the already intriguing narrative.
According to the captivating synopsis, "As Tess and Anna embark on the intricate dance of blending two families, they uncover a startling revelation—lightning might indeed strike twice." Joining the returning cast of Mark Harmon and Chad Michael Murray are fresh faces Julia Butters, Sophia Hammons, Manny Jacinto, and Maitreyi Ramakrishnan. Not to mention, veterans from the original 2003 film such as Christina Vidal Mitchell, Haley Hudson, Lucille Soong, Stephen Tobolowsky, and Rosalind Chao will also reprise their roles.
The production is helmed by Kristin Burr, Andrew Gunn, and Curtis herself, while Nathan Kelly, Ann Marie Sanderlin, and Lohan take on the role of executive producers. This sequel marks Lohan's triumphant return to theatrical releases, following her comeback to Hollywood filmmaking after a hiatus spent creating back-to-back Netflix rom-coms. The film, based on Mary Rodgers' 1972 novel, is poised to captivate audiences once again, building on the success of the original which grossed a staggering $160 million worldwide, with $110 million coming from domestic ticket sales.