The captivating tales of Dunk and Egg have officially embarked on their journey. The eagerly awaited spinoff series, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms," from HBO's renowned "Game of Thrones" franchise, has kicked off production in the enchanting city of Belfast, Ireland. A diverse ensemble of five talented actors joins the esteemed cast, comprising Finn Bennett ("True Detective: Night Country"), Bertie Carvel ("The Crown"), Tanzyn Crawford ("Tiny Beautiful Things"), Daniel Ings ("Sex Education"), and Sam Spruell ("Fargo").
Sarah Adina Smith, renowned for her directorial prowess in "Lessons In Chemistry" and "Hanna," will helm three of the six thrilling episodes in Season 1, while executive producer Owen Harris will take charge of the remaining three.
Drawing inspiration from George R. R. Martin's captivating novella, "The Hedge Knight," "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" takes us back a century before the events of "Game of Thrones" and a century after the drama of "House of the Dragon." The first season follows the exploits of the valiant knight, Ser Duncan the Tall (Peter Claffey), and his youthful squire, Egg (Dexter Sol Ansell), as they embark on an epic journey.
Their adventure leads them to a competition where they encounter an array of illustrious members of the Targaryen dynasty, including the princely Aerion Targaryen (Bennett), the dignified Baelor Targaryen (Carvel), and the regal Maekar Targaryen (Spruell). Alongside these royal figures, they also cross paths with the renowned knight known as the Laughing Storm, Ser Lyonel Baratheon (Ings), and the enigmatic puppeteer, Tanselle (Crawford).
The series, written and executive produced by Martin and Ira Parker ("The Sympathizer," "House of the Dragon"), promises to be a thrilling tale of bravery, adventure, and destiny. Ryan Condal, Vince Gerardis, Owen Harris, and Sarah Bradshaw join the executive producing team, ensuring that the series remains true to the spirit and grandeur of Martin's vision.
The series' captivating logline reads: "A century before the events of 'Game of Thrones,' two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros… a young, naïve but courageous knight, Ser Duncan the Tall, and his diminutive squire, Egg. Set in an era where the Targaryen dynasty reigned supreme, and the memory of the last dragon still lingered in the hearts of men, these two improbable and incomparable friends embark on a journey filled with grand destinies, formidable foes, and dangerous exploits that will test their courage and loyalty to the utmost."
Bennett is represented by Tavistock Wood, Public Eye Communications, and CAA, while Carvel is represented by Hamilton Hodell and Tapestry. Crawford is represented by Zero Gravity Management, Buchwald, and MCSM. Ings is represented by United Agents, ColorCreative, and CLD Communications. Spruell is represented by Lou Coulson Associates, Luber Roklin, and Narrative. And finally, Adina Smith is represented by WME Management and 2AM.
Together, this exceptional team of creators, actors, and producers promises to bring Martin's vision to life, delivering a thrilling and unforgettable series that will captivate audiences worldwide.