"Heels" has secured its triumphant Netflix debut, with the streaming giant revealing the highly anticipated arrival date on Wednesday. The Starz series, which was sadly cut short after two gripping seasons in September 2023, will make its comeback on Netflix's platform on September 15th, bringing both seasons crashing down on unsuspecting fans all at once. This announcement follows Netflix's earlier acquisition of the series' licensing rights in April, reigniting hope for its loyal followers.
First gracing Starz in 2021 with its inaugural season and then returning with a vengeance in 2023, "Heels" captivated audiences with its portrayal of the Duffy Wrestling League, a tiny but fiercely independent promotion nestled in the heart of Georgia. Jack Spade (Stephen Amell), inheriting the legacy from his father, battles to keep the league afloat amidst turbulent waters, all while dreaming of propelling it to new heights.
The ensemble cast, including Alexander Ludwig, Chris Bauer, Mary McCormack, Kelli Berglund, Allen Maldonado, Trey Tucker, Robby Ramos, Alice Barrett Mitchell, Roxton Garcia, David James Elliott, Joel Murray, and the legendary CM Punk, breathed life into the world of professional wrestling with their exceptional performances. Mike O'Malley, who also helmed the series as showrunner, stole the spotlight as Charlie Gully, a cunning rival promoter who added a layer of intrigue to every episode.
Created by the visionary Michael Waldron and executive produced by an all-star team comprising O'Malley, Waldron, Christopher Donnelly, Pete Segal, Patrick Walmsley, and Julie Yorn, "Heels" was brought to life by Lionsgate Television. Now, as the series embarks on its Netflix journey, there's a glimmer of hope that if it resonates with a vast audience, a deal for a third season with Lionsgate might just be within reach, albeit a challenging feat given the actors' packed schedules. Amell, for instance, is poised to lead the upcoming NBC series "Suits: LA," announced in July.
This exciting addition to Netflix's roster precedes the monumental debut of WWE's "Monday Night Raw" on the platform, set to premiere in January 2025 with a staggering $500 million annual commitment for a decade, totaling a colossal $5 billion investment. Netflix retains the flexibility to reassess after five years and potentially extend the partnership for another decade, showcasing its commitment to delivering world-class content to its subscribers.