In its triumphant initial two seasons, hailed by critics alike, "Reservation Dogs" garnered a solitary Emmy nod, a mere glimpse of its potential. Yet, its third and ultimate chapter emerged victorious, racking up four nominations, including a prestigious nod for Best Comedy Series. Co-creator and showrunner Sterlin Harjo delves into the series' poignant finale and the delicate timing of its conclusion with The Hollywood Reporter.
"When news broke that season three would mark the end, it caught many off guard. So, how did you arrive at this decision?" he reflects. "At the heart of 'Reservation Dogs' lies grief and communal mourning, a profound journey of acceptance in the face of loss. It's not a sprawling narrative; it's intimate and poignant. Respecting our audience meant recognizing when to let the story breathe its last. Sure, one could prolong the ride, cashing in on its success, but for me, this tale was rooted in hope amidst adversity, a testament to resilience and community. The narrative demanded closure; without it, the story would feel incomplete. Returning to these characters post-resolution would be akin to trailing Elora Danan [Devery Jacobs] through her school days—a detour I didn't want to embark on. Our focus was on navigating the aftermath of loss, and I felt that chapter needed to be neatly closed."
"Filming in Oklahoma, my hometown, imparted an ineffable essence to the show," Harjo continues. "It's akin to capturing a tone that can't be monetized or a place that transcends measurement. Initially, there were whispers of New Mexico as a filming location, but FX trusted my conviction. This isn't a New Mexico story; it's deeply rooted in the land of Oklahoma's Indigenous people. The Rez Dogs are descendants of those forcibly relocated here in the 1800s, their very existence a testament to resilience and rebellion. Their spirit, their drive to shake things up, stems from a rich history of resistance. There's a narrative that precedes them, a story that only Oklahoma could authentically tell. Shooting anywhere else would have felt like a betrayal of that heritage."
The series concludes with yet another funeral, but the manifestation of sorrow stands in stark contrast to the fiery indignation that ignited within the hearts of those four youthful protagonists at its dawn. How did I envision the architecture of this climactic episode?
Within the confines of a tightly knit community, the specter of loss is ever-present, a constant reminder of life's fleeting nature. Paradoxically, some of life's most profound moments have unfolded for me amidst the solemnity of funerals. For it's there, amidst the gathering of souls, that the essence of community transcends the veil of mortality. It's not about the finality of death but about the unbreakable bonds that unite us.
These gatherings also foster a profound honesty, where unspoken sentiments find voice. Hearts that might have remained guarded otherwise, confess their love, offering a poignant testament to the human spirit's capacity for connection. It seemed fitting, then, to explore this alternate narrative of death—a far cry from the Western conception of solemnity and solitude—as a means to capture the series' thematic evolution.
Imagine days of communal vigil, laughter mingling with sorrow, the act of fasting a symbol of reverence, and the graves dug by hand, each shovelful a testament to respect and tradition. What better backdrop could there be to bring the series to a close than this crucible of raw emotions, where honesty flows freely and truth is embraced without reservation?
Moreover, this funeral serves as a poignant example of a distinct form of mourning, emblematic of the Rez Dogs' metamorphosis. They have come to realize that they are not merely observers in this community but integral players, duty-bound to participate in its rituals and uphold its traditions. Their journey has culminated in a profound understanding of their responsibility towards this community, and their commitment to nurturing and preserving it.
This narrative first graced the pages of a standalone issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine in August, offering a glimpse into the depths of human experience and the transformative power of storytelling. To continue exploring such rich tales, subscribe now and let the magic unfold.