On Wednesday, the nominations for the iHeartRadio Music Awards were unveiled, heralding a triumphant day for Taylor Swift and Morgan Wallen, who each secured an impressive ten nods. Close behind them stood Kendrick Lamar, Post Malone, and Sabrina Carpenter, each garnering nine nominations. Lady Gaga is poised to be honored with the prestigious 2025 iHeartRadio Innovator Award, while Mariah Carey will receive the esteemed 2025 iHeartRadio Icon Award. Additionally, Swift will be presented with a groundbreaking new accolade, the Tour of the Century, in recognition of her record-shattering Eras Tour. This year's ceremony will also serve as a heartfelt tribute to Los Angeles, in the aftermath of the devastating wildfires, and will endeavor to mobilize support and donations for FireAidLA.com. The glamorous event is set to air on FOX on Monday, March 17.