The eagerly awaited third season of "Bel-Air," a dramatic reimagining of the iconic 1990s sitcom "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" starring Will Smith, will make its grand debut on Peacock on August 15. Joseph Marcell, who portrayed the beloved butler Geoffrey in the original comedy, will grace the screen as a guest star.
In the trailer for this new season, Jabari Banks continues to navigate the lavish world of Los Angeles as a fish out of water. As the street-savvy Philadelphia teenager struggles to adapt to his lavish summer lifestyle in the City of Angels, he encounters his estranged father, Lou, portrayed by Marlon Wayans.
"You always told me I was in control of my own destiny," Banks, who embodies Smith's iconic character in this dramatic reboot, declares at a pivotal moment. However, his journey is not without challenges as he grapples with leaving behind his passion for basketball, which he saw as his escape from the hood and the only positive aspect of his life.
Will's frustrated father, sitting beside Uncle Phil portrayed by Adrian Holmes, laments, "I left behind basketball. That was my way out of the hood. To see my son making the same mistakes as me, and there's nothing I could do about it."
Inspired by Morgan Cooper's viral 2019 mock trailer that transformed the original sitcom into a gritty contemporary drama, "Bel-Air" continues to chart Smith's tumultuous journey from the harsh streets of Philadelphia to a summer of opulence in California, filled with beach parties, bonfires, and Juneteenth celebrations.
Joseph Marcell, reprising his role as Geoffrey, solemnly states in the trailer, "There's always gonna be a price. That's on you." Joining the stellar cast are Cassandra Freeman as Vivian Banks, Olly Sholotan as Carlton Banks, Coco Jones as Hilary Banks, Akira Akbar as Ashley Banks, and Jordan L. Jones as Jazz.
Under the direction of the new showrunner Carla Banks Waddles, "Bel-Air" is executive produced by Morgan Cooper, Will Smith, Terence Carter, James Lassiter, Miguel Melendez, Benny Medina, Quincy Jones, Andy Borowitz, Susan Borowitz, Janeika James, Jasheika James, and Andy Reaser. The drama is produced by Universal Television and Westbrook Studios, promising an even more captivating and emotionally charged season ahead.