The thriller "The Tourist," starring the enigmatic Jamie Dornan, is poised to embark on an exciting Indian journey. Banijay Asia has struck a landmark deal with All3Media International, the distributors of the original series, securing the rights to create a captivating local adaptation.
Penned by the talented Harry and Jack Williams, "The Tourist" tells the tale of a man, played by Dornan, who awakens in Australia after a devastating car crash, his memory a blank. Desperate for answers, he crosses paths with a local woman who recognizes him and offers to guide him through the labyrinthine maze of his forgotten identity. Every fragment of memory he manages to piece together points to a sinister past that he must elude before it catches up with him.
In the second season, which premiered earlier this year, the characters shift their focus to Ireland as the mystery unfolds further. Produced by Two Brothers Pictures and Highview Productions, the original series has captivated audiences worldwide.
"We at Banijay are ardent admirers of Two Brothers and their masterful ability to craft edge-of-the-seat thrillers," said Mrinalini Jain, the group chief development officer for Banijay Asia & EndemolShine India. "'The Tourist' offers a tapestry of mystery and suspense that we believe will strike a chord with our viewers. We are thrilled to bring this internationally renowned series, with its pulse-racing narrative, to Indian audiences in a unique, local adaptation. Collaborating with All3Media International ensures that we uphold the exceptional standards set by the original while infusing it with an unmistakable Indian flavor."
Echoing Jain's sentiment, Sabrina Duguet, EVP for Asia Pacific at All3Media International, said, "'The Tourist' has achieved remarkable success across the globe, and we are thrilled to witness its adaptation for the Indian market. Banijay Asia's stellar record in crafting high-caliber local adaptations assures us that they will deliver an outstanding version of this globally loved thriller. We eagerly await the reimagining of this compelling story for Indian viewers."
Banijay Asia has previously adapted numerous successful shows such as "The Night Manager," "Call My Agent," and "The Trial" for local audiences, and "The Tourist" is sure to add another feather to their cap.