In the ongoing probe surrounding the tragic death of beloved "General Hospital" actor Johnny Wactor, two prime suspects have been formally charged with murder, while two additional individuals have been apprehended in relation to the heinous crime. The dramatic announcement was made by Los Angeles County prosecutors during a solemn press conference held at the Los Angeles Hall of Justice on Monday. District Attorney George Gascón and Interim Police Chief Dominic Choi stood together, flanked by local media outlets like Fox LA and CBS News, as they unveiled the details.
At the center of these accusations stand Robert Barceleau and Sergio Estrada, both 18 years old, who have been indicted for murder, with Barceleau facing an aggravated charge of killing during the perpetration of a robbery – a crime that could see him imprisoned for life without the possibility of parole. Both young men also confront charges of attempted robbery and grand theft, armed with deadly firearms.
Two more suspects, Leonel Gutierrez, 18, and Frank Olano, 22, remain in detention but face lesser accusations. Gutierrez is charged with attempted robbery and grand theft by embezzlement, both while allegedly brandishing a weapon. Olano, on the other hand, is accused of being an accessory to the murder after the fact, as well as receiving stolen property and illegally possessing firearms on three separate counts.
The fateful encounter that claimed Wactor's life occurred on May 25 in the heart of Los Angeles. Walking home from his evening shift with a colleague, Wactor, known to millions as Brando Corbin on "General Hospital," stumbled upon a group of individuals engaged in an attempted theft of his car's catalytic converter. Believing his vehicle was being towed, he innocently inquired, only to be confronted by a masked figure who, without a word, fired a fatal shot.
In the aftermath of this senseless tragedy, Wactor's godmother, Michaelle Kinard, established a heartfelt GoFundMe campaign that swiftly surpassed $50,000 within 24 hours, ultimately reaching over $144,000. On the page, Kinard poignantly recounted, "On May 25, my dearest and best friend's son was brutally murdered, a victim of a mindless crime. Johnny Wactor, an aspiring actor fulfilling his dreams in LA, was gunned down as he confronted three men who were attempting to steal from him. In a split second, his life – a life filled with promise and potential – was cut short."