The esteemed actor Michael Madsen, renowned for his memorable roles in "Reservoir Dogs" and the "Kill Bill" series, found himself in the unenviable position of being arrested in the picturesque town of Malibu, California, on allegations of domestic battery. Swiftly following his detention, he was granted release from custody.
According to the Los Angeles Sheriff Department's booking report dated August 18th, the 66-year-old Michael Soren Madsen was processed into the Malibu/Lost Hills Station at 1:40 a.m., mere moments after a domestic battery misdemeanor arrest that had transpired 25 minutes prior.
In a separate statement, a spokesperson for the Malibu/Lost Hills Station disclosed to The Hollywood Reporter that deputies responded to a call reporting a "family disturbance" at 31600 Broad Beach Road in Malibu at 12:15 a.m. on the same day. "The informant claimed that a female adult had accused her husband of pushing her and subsequently locking her out of their residence," the police narrative elaborated. Following a preliminary investigation, the deputies concluded that Michael Madsen was indeed involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, leading to his prompt arrest.
"The investigation is still underway and will be forwarded to the Van Nuys Superior Court House for prosecution," the Malibu/Lost Hills Station added, noting that Madsen was released on a $20,000 bail bond. No specific date for a future court hearing was disclosed. The charge of domestic battery misdemeanor arises when allegations of force used against a cohabiting partner are levied.
A conviction under such charges could result in a wide range of penalties, from incarceration to a protective order mandating distance from the victim. Madsen, a seasoned veteran of over 200 films, has long been typecast as a tough-as-nails character, perhaps most infamously embodied as the chilling Mr. Blonde in "Reservoir Dogs." His portrayal of Budd, the slovenly yet deadly swordsman in both volumes of "Kill Bill," further cemented his reputation.
Madsen's resumé boasts numerous collaborations with Quentin Tarantino, most recently in the 2019 masterpiece "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood." He also featured prominently in the 2019 documentary "QT8: The First Eight," a deep dive into Tarantino's cinematic legacy, replete with interviews from the auteur's star-studded roster.
The Hollywood Reporter has sought comment from Madsen's representatives regarding this matter.