For its momentous 24th season, "Law & Order" introduces a fresh face to the investigative team. The twice-Emmy-nominated Maura Tierney gracefully steps into the NBC drama's ensemble, portraying a tenacious NYPD lieutenant. Her addition follows the departure of Camryn Manheim, who portrayed Lt. Kate Dixon for three seasons.
Tierney marks the second notable addition to the long-running crime procedural's cast, following Tony Goldwyn's mid-season entry last year, succeeding the show's longest-serving actor, Sam Waterston. The actress boasts an illustrious NBC history, having starred in "NewsRadio" from 1995-99 and "ER" from 1999-2009. Her first Emmy nomination came in 2001 for her portrayal of Abby Lockhart in "ER." Interestingly, Tierney has a past, albeit fleeting, with "Law & Order," having guest-starred in a second-season episode back in 1991.
Currently co-starring in the box-office hit "Twisters," Tierney's recent credits also include Showtime's "The Affair," "Your Honor," and "The Iron Claw." Represented by UTA and Untitled Entertainment, she joins a star-studded "Law & Order" cast that includes Mehcad Brooks, Reid Scott, Hugh Dancy, and Odelya Halevi. The eagerly awaited 24th season of the show is set to premiere on October 3.