In the captivating behind-the-scenes Prime documentary titled 'The Greatest Love Story Never Told,' a revealing snippet captures casting director Nancy Nayor mentioning that the renowned artist Lizzo was among the star-studded list of celebrities who couldn't make it to star in Jennifer Lopez's musical film, 'This Is Me … Now: A Love Story.'
One of the most intriguing aspects of this documentary is the intimate look it offers into the casting process for Lopez's much-anticipated musical film. Among the many fascinating details, it emerged that Anthony Ramos, renowned for his role in 'In the Heights,' declined an offer out of respect for his friend and Lopez's former husband, Marc Anthony. Rumors circulated that Khloé Kardashian was set for a cameo, but she ultimately turned down the role. Taylor Swift was unavailable, and Ariana Grande was busy filming 'Wicked.' Even Jason Momoa, Jennifer Coolidge, and Snoop Dogg were reportedly out of the picture. Surprisingly, Lizzo was also said to be unavailable.
After viewing the documentary, Lizzo took to TikTok to clarify the matter, fervently denying that she had rejected a role. "Ain't nobody told me nothing!" she exclaimed. "Nobody asked me! JLo, I love you." It's plausible that someone may have passed on the offer on her behalf, as a fan pointed out in the comments, suggesting that Lizzo was likely unavailable due to her ongoing tour. Indeed, the spring and summer of 2023 saw Lizzo on her 'Special Tour,' coinciding with the period when Lopez was busy with her project.
Lopez had grand plans for her first album in over a decade, 'This Is Me … Now.' She envisioned a trilogy of projects, kickstarting with 'This Is Me … Now: A Love Story,' a visual treat for her fans that gave them a deeper insight into her complex romantic journeys and her reunion with now-husband Ben Affleck. The documentary, 'The Greatest Love Story Never Told,' not only captured the self-financing process of the musical movie but also provided a glimpse into the dynamic relationship between Lopez and Affleck behind the scenes.
In an interview with THR, Lopez shared her reasoning for choosing to create a musical movie experience instead of individual music videos for her album. "I didn't want to go the traditional route of releasing just videos," she explained. "I wanted to do something unique and different. I met with Dave Meyers, and we brainstormed how to bring the album to life visually through singing, dancing, and humor in a realistic manner." She further revealed that she didn't want to retell the story of her relationship with Ben Affleck, as people were already familiar with it. Instead, she aimed to tell a different, more profound story through the lens of her album.