The French-Japanese mini-series titled "Drops of God" claimed the prestigious International Emmy Award for Best Drama Series on Monday evening, marking a significant triumph in the global television landscape. This adaptation of a beloved Japanese manga with the same name revolves around the estranged daughter of a renowned French wine critic, who embarks on a fierce rivalry with her father's protégé to reclaim her rightful inheritance. The first season of this intriguing saga premiered on Apple TV+ in 2023, with the eagerly anticipated second season already secured by the American streaming giant.
"This series delves into the realms of family dynamics, the unbreakable bonds that tie us, and the quest for identity amidst the enchanting world of wine—a universe unto itself," shared Fleur Geffrier, the show's lead actress, at the glittering awards ceremony held in New York. The International Emmy Awards celebrate exceptional television productions hailing from outside the United States, distinguishing themselves from the Emmy Awards dedicated solely to American creations in a separate ceremony.