In the breathtaking conclusion of "A Bloody Lucky Day," titled "Should This Life Sometimes Deceive You," the series reaches its zenith in a tempest of emotions, actions, and repercussions meticulously crafted over the course of the season. The episode kicks off with a harrowing sequence where Byeong-min, having abducted Se-na, orchestrates a grim spectacle—preparing to incinerate both her and Chae-ri in a fiery inferno. The air is thick with suspense as Oh Taek, against the ticking clock, engages in a perilous negotiation with Byeong-min, proposing a deal: Chae-ri's unharmed release in exchange for the safety of his beloved wife and child.
This high-stakes haggling sets the stage for an episode where every decision resonates with profound consequences. Oh Taek's tactical prowess shines as he grants Byeong-min an hour to deliberate, using this precious time to contact Seung-hyun and instruct him to remain stationary. Joong-min's entrance into the shop further complicates the unfolding saga, as Seung-hyun updates him on the dire circumstances.
The confrontation between Byeong-min and the two women embodies the psychological warfare that has been silently waged. Chae-ri and Se-na's daring assault on Byeong-min and their desperate bid for escape underscore their indomitable spirit. Yet, the sudden plunge into a pit serves as a stark reminder of the omnipresent peril lurking in the shadows. Byeong-min's quandary over the welfare of his wife and son mirrors the terror and helplessness his victims have endured, marking a moment of poetic justice. Oh Taek's call to Seung-hyun, only to discover Chae-ri's absence from the shop, intensifies the urgency of the unfolding crisis. Joong-min's phone tracking and Oh Taek's heart-wrenching disclosure to Byeong-min's wife about the tragic demise of her daughter and husband are pivotal moments that propel the narrative forward. Her relentless struggle to survive Byeong-min's lethal onslaught stands as a testament to her unyielding will to live.
The climactic scene, wherein Oh Taek drapes the taxi in a shroud of darkness and pushes it toward the abyssal waters, vividly symbolizes the profound depths to which the characters have plummeted. Oh Taek's harrowing discovery of Byeong-min's sanity crumbling into fragments serves as a poignant denouement to the relentless cycle of violence that has plagued their lives. The verbal duel between Byeong-min, who fabricates a tale of murdering Chae-ri, and Oh Taek, who retaliates with the falsehood of slaying Byeong-min's family, escalates into a fierce contest of intellect and determination.
The ensuing physical altercation serves as a cathartic explosion of pent-up emotions, culminating in Oh Taek emerging victorious, asserting his dominance. Amidst this tempest of chaos, Joong-min's intervention, coupled with his solemn vow to ensure Byeong-min's just punishment, offers a fleeting ray of hope. Seung-hyun's arrival on the scene, his voice trembling as he implores his father to desist, adds another layer of poignant emotion to the drama unfolding.
Byeong-min's mocking laughter and smug belief in Oh Taek's cowardice are swiftly shattered when Oh Taek dares to leap outside with him, confronting his nemesis head-on. The subsequent hospital scene serves as a tranquil oasis, where Seung-hyun visits Oh Taek and brings the comforting news that Chae-ri and Se-na are, in fact, alive. This revelation offers a shimmer of hope amidst the darkness that has enveloped their world.
The season's culminating episode delves profoundly into the dualistic concept of good versus evil, underscoring the inescapable wheel of karma in a manner that provokes introspection. Byeong-min's dramatic downfall stands as a stark reminder that the abuse of power and the propagation of fear can ultimately boomerang onto their perpetrators. The revealing flashback, which discloses Hyun-ji, Byeong-min's estranged wife, as alive and actively assisting the police in uncovering incriminating evidence against him, introduces a breathtaking twist that enriches her character's tapestry with layers of depth. The judicial verdict, sentencing Byeong-min to the ultimate penalty, marks a fitting denouement to his reign of abject terror.
Oh Taek's journey through incarceration and his eventual liberation, culminating in tender moments shared with his family and grandchildren, concludes his character's narrative arc with a poignant warmth. The closing tableau, where a blind and oxygen-dependent Byeong-min is visited by his mother, whose intentions he suspects to be lethal in poisoning his cake, sends shivers down the spine and brings a chilling close to his saga.
In essence, "A Bloody Lucky Day" - Season 1 Finale: "Should This Life Sometimes Deceive You," masterfully crafts a compelling conclusion to a series replete with suspense and profound emotional resonance. This episode serves as a paragon of storytelling excellence, intertwining themes of retribution, redemption, and the intricate tapestry of human nature. With its gripping narrative and a fulfilling resolution, this instalment marks a triumphant end to a memorable season.